Hypertension Disorders in Pregnancy

Feeling the Pressure- Hypertension Disorders in Pregnancy

Specific Drug Dosing:

Severe HTN BP > 160/110 mmHg

  • Short acting Nifedipine 5 – 10 mg bite and swallow q30mins

  • Labetalol 10 – 20 mg IV, repeat q30mins or 1 – 2 mg/min infusion (max 300mg/d)

  • Hydralazine 5 mg IV, repeat 5 – 10 mg IV q30mins or 0.5 – 10 mg/hr IV (max 20 mg IV)

Non severe HTN

  •  Methyldopa 250 – 500 mg PO BID – QID (max 2g/d)

  • Labetalol 100 – 400 mg PO BID – TID (max 1200mg/d)

  • Nifedipine XL 20 – 60 mg OD – BID (max 120mg/d)


  1. CHIPS Less Tight versus Tight Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy

  2. SOGC Practice Guidelines

Written by: Dr. Stephanie Chan (Internal Medicine Resident)

Reviewed by: Dr. Lisa Nguyen (General Internal Medicine) and Dr. Steven Montague (General Internal Medicine)

Infographic by: Dr. Caitlyn Vlasschaert (Internal Medicine Resident)
