Day 2- Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Evaluation (1987 Revised Classification Criteria)

  • CRP and ESR (to identify inflammation)

  • Rheumatoid factor (sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 70%) and anti-CCP (specificity of 98% and sensitivity of 80% for RA)

  • CBC and lytes

  • urinalysis (?Proteinuria ?RBCs or casts)

Physical Exam

  • palpate MCP and PIP joints for synovial thickening or swelling

  • feel for wrist thickening and tenderness

  • examine elbows for flexion contracture

  • MTP’s: squeeze ball of foot together to assess for soreness


  • counselling (can use disease and drug handouts from Rheuminfo)

  • Use steroids for acute flare + DMARDs (classically MTX, sulfasalazine, hydroxychrloroquine)

    • confirm vaccinations prior to starting a DMARD and administer if necessary: herpes zoster, pneumococcal, influenza, hepatitis B and HPV

  • Biologics can be considered

    • screen for TB and hep B and C first

Infographic The Curbsiders 147 Rheumatoid Arthritis Robert Mclean by Elena Gibson.png
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